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HOW DIFFERENT ARE THEY? animals vs humans


Endangered Bengal Tiger

Do they not have eyes that see?

Do they not have blood that flows through veins and arteries

from a heart?

Do they not breathe with lungs through a nose?

Do they not speak from a mouth with vocal cords, bite with teeth, and taste with a tongue?

Do they not hear with ears? 

Do they not think and act with a brain, protected by a skull and covered by hair, which

we call fur?

Do they not have arms, fingers, toes, and nails that hold, build, feed, and caress?

Do they not walk and run with legs

covered in skin, muscles, ligaments, and bones?

Do they not have a liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs?

Do they not sing and cry?

They do.

Collared Brown Lemur

They also swim, crawl, slither, and fly. 

From one hundred tons to invisible in size, they are the majesty

around us.

They are far more beautiful and more interesting than

any supermodel or celebrity.

They are more colorful and vibrant than any pair of shoes or dress.

Who are we to be so brazen as to presume animals don't feel, can't recall, or are too stupid to comprehend? Because they don't speak the human language?

The human language has thousands of variations, 

the animal kingdom has millions. 

Many animal species can learn and comprehend words in any

language from French to Farsi. 

Some can even learn

sign language.

To this day, humans have not learned a single verbal translation

from animals.

Oh, but you still say animals are inferior to humans because

they can't reason?

They can't build computers, bombs, oil rigs, and nuclear plants.

Animals can't concoct recipes for deadly pesticides and dangerous chemicals that contaminate our air, land, and oceans - our entire ecosystem.

Reason that.


Can you carry 100 times your body weight, spin a web, or change color? 

Because the superior human species does not understand their intelligence, does this make all animal species less intelligent?

Do you mean the superior species consumed by greed and ego?

That starts wars and perpetuates famine?

That species?

The species that plot, lie, and profit by abusing, torturing, and murdering millions upon millions of innocent lives every day.

Man - with his dirty hands and his cruel heart.

When he preaches about, 

God, love, honor, and respect.

What about the theory God is love.

God is your higher being.

God loves all living things.

Oh, I forgot - only when it's convenient.

It's so easy to turn a blind eye.

Sweep all the ugly under the rug.

Cow and her calf

Go ahead, wrap yourself in their luxurious fur coat.

Slip on those exotic python skin designer boots.

Show off that extortionate-priced handbag made of 

endangered crocodiles.

Cozy up on that fancy leather couch, stuff yourself with a

cow burger, pig sandwich, and chicken salad while telling yourself

they are only animals.

Red Fox

Every living thing

has a right to life no matter how

small, smelly, or slimy.

Whether furry, feathered, finned,

scaled, shelled, or skinned.

They are here for a reason, and the reason isn't for humans to

murder them into extinction.

Any human being who thinks they deserve life more than

animal beings doesn't value

all life - only human life.

A life is a life.

Animals live among us and share this earth.

To be a fully evolved person, you must respect all living beings. 

If not, 

your heart will always be lacking.

Do you not have eyes to see?

Look into theirs with love and compassion and forever

be enlightened.

-Madeline Anne Zetye



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